The fines don’t work, the loss of demerit points is not working, what will it take to stop drivers using mobile handsets while driving?
Last year Victoria Police fined 59,000 people for talking on the phone. Penalties in Victoria are a loss of 4 demerit points and a $433 fine.
In NSW, Police booked 780 drivers for illegal mobile phone use in 11 days. In NSW. breaching the rules attracts a $298 fine and three demerit points, and this rises to $397 and four demerit points if the driver is in a school zone. Of the 780 people booked, 24 were in a school zone, police said. How dumb is that.. risking not only their own lives, but the lives of our children.
The message is it’s not worth killing yourself or killing someone else on the way to getting to somewhere because of the mobile phone.
Any time you pass a vehicle and the driver’s looking down into their lap, it’s quite clear to us that they’re probably texting or doing something with their phones.
Lets embarrass them!
Mobile Handset Salute
If you see another driver abusing the law, give them the Mobile Handset Salute.<
Known as the Shaka, folding your three middle fingers down while holding out your thumb and pinky, then twisting your hand around will be known as the SALUTE to dumb drivers. In Hawaii, the Shaka is interpreted as “Hello,” “Goodbye,” “Have a nice day,” “Take it easy,” “Good luck,” or “Hang loose.”
By twisting your wrist, it is implying we know whats in the drivers hand.
But we’re taking it to a new level, the sign is a clear message to the driver that they are doing something wrong.
It is unoffensive, but likely to make the driver think again.